NSE Receives SEBI Approval for Future Contracts in Gold and Silver

NSE SEBI ApprovalMumbai, 28 September, 2018: NSE is pleased to inform that they have received SEBI Approval for introducing derivatives contracts on Gold 1 Kg, Gold Mini 100 grams and Silver 30 Kg on NSE’s commodity derivatives segment. NSE had earlier received approval for launch of the Commodity Derivative Segment from SEBI on September 21, 2018.

NSE is ready to launch the commodity derivatives segment.

We have received representations from several trading / clearing members suggesting that some more time be given to the market intermediaries to put in place appropriate systems at their end for effective trading of commodity derivatives.

We have also received suggestions that the launch of a new segment should be done after the ‘Pitru-Paksha’ in the auspicious period of Navratri.

Respecting member feedback and sentiment, NSE has decided to launch its commodity derivative segment on Friday, October 12, 2018.