Tokyo-based online securities broker, Kabu and subsidiary of the financial giant Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group has released its monthly operating figures for the month of February 2019. Overall, the figures reported were mixed in nature, following the trends of January 2019.
In the month of February, there was a total of 19 trading days, similar to that of January and December month, so the comparison between months can easily be established. Total securities account grew slightly by 0.23 per cent or 2,606 accounts to reach 1,115,687 accounts. The average stocks monthly trading price during the month of February was ¥19.7 trillion ($175.97 billion), which is a 15.5 per cent increase from January month which had an average trading price of ¥17.03 trillion.
The futures monthly trading price based on the sum of Nikkei 225 futures and Nikkei 225 mini contracts was ¥22.5 billion, reporting a 2.7 per cent decline. The monthly over-the-counter (OTC) forex trading price was ¥13.15 billion in February, which is 58.29 per cent or ¥18.39 billion lower from ¥31.54 billion.
The monthly trading price for financial instruments brokerage stock was ¥752 billion, registering a strong uptick of 35.5 per cent month-on-month, completely reversing the trend of the past six months.
FXSpotStream February 2019 Trading Volume Figures
FXSpotStream’s trading venue, LiquidityMatch LLC has witnessed a drop in trading volumes in February. The company reported an ADV of $34.8 billion, which is 9.2 per cent lower from $38.3 billion in January 2019. But, across yearly timeframe, the figure is 20 per cent higher from $28.8 billion.
Total trading volume in the month of February reported at $696 billion, which is 17 per cent lower from $844 billion in January 2019. Huge difference in the trading volume can be explained by the fewer number of trading days, i.e. 20 days compared to 22 days in January 2019.
FastMatch February 2019 Operational Metrics
FastMatch also reported a decline in trading volume across the monthly timeframe, with total trading volume for the month of February coming in at $363 billion, which is 17 per cent decline from $441 billion in January 2019.
The average daily trading volume was also lower month-on-month by 7.5 per cent and is 14 per cent lower compared to February last month.