
Euronext’s Commcise Launches Investment Research Platform

euronext investment research platformCommcise has launched its cloud-based investment research platform COMMCISECS to support client strategy teams within the research provider community, who can now use the solution to review, price and publish research event interactions and analyze asset manager clients’ profitability using its flexible pricing and costing engine.

The award-winning provider of integrated commission management, research evaluation and reporting solutions for investment management and brokerage firms is offering the new service with multiple mechanisms to help research providers manage the commercial and service relationships with their buy-side clients using a cost-effective, agile and robust service.

Paul Charie, Global Head of Sales at Commcise

Paul Charie, Head of Sales at Commcise, commented:

“Our new service complements COMMCISEBUY and COMMCISESELL and deepens the relationship Commcise has had with research providers for several years. Drawing on specialized technology components, already used by asset managers and brokers, we are delivering proven rich functionality. Our team is very excited about working closely with our early adopters as we roll-out COMMCISECS with our global provider partners”.

The contract management module allows sell-side firms to track and model complex fixed price relationships that contain consumption limits.

Automated data checks and review workflow deliver research interaction events which are formatted and distributed automatically to the clients.

Budget and receipt management allows the capture of projected and actual revenues from each client.

The platform’s pricing and valuation engine enables modeling of theoretical and actual research service prices and costs for each client taking into consideration fixed price low-touch agreements and high-touch consumption based revenue.

Amrish Ganatra, Chief Executive Officer of Commcise
Amrish Ganatra, Chief Executive Officer of Commcise

Amrish Ganatra, Chief Executive Officer at Commcise, said:

“Regulatory and client focus on research has driven significant changes in market practices in recent years and this shows no sign of letting up. With interaction data being the new currency by which research providers get paid, helping sell-side firms to ensure this data is as clean as possible benefits both the buy side and sell side”. He continued: “Working with research providers over the last five years it became evident that technology services were needed to help these companies with their drive to increase the quality, cost-effectiveness and measurement of the services they offer to the buy-side.

78 percent of the SaaS provider Commcise was acquired by Euronext from its founders for £27 million to address the needs of the buy-side and sell-side communities with ways of simplifying their business and efficiently managing research procurement and commissioning across the globe.

Commcise is a leader in managing research procurement and commissioning for the buy-side and sell-side. The firm offers a number of solutions, including its cloud-hosted platform for broker-dealers and research providers covering commission management and service pricing, named CommciseSELL, as well as its service pricing and client profitability tool designed to meet the specific needs of independent research providers, named CommciseRP.

Its most popular product remains CommciseBUY, which provides asset managers with a cloud-hosted platform to manage their research funding and associated cost allocation (irrespective of whether its paid through trading, direct charge to clients or P&L), automated trade reconciliation, resource consumption tracking, contract management, research accounting, as well as flexible reporting tools to improve transparency in line with MiFID II regulation.