
Fintech Raises $111.8B in 2018, Up By 120…

KPMG has found that global fintech funding rose by 120 percent to $111.8B in 2018 from $50.8B in 2017, mainly driven by mega M&A and buyout deals such as Blackstone's $17B investment in Refinitiv in H2'18 and…


LabCFTC’s Purpose: Get Out of the Ivory Tower

[caption id="attachment_323617" align="alignleft" width="254"]        [/caption] Though the head of the Commodities Futures Trading Commission’s (CFTC) Fintech office is working with cutting-edge technologies, he said one reason for the creation of the office…


Busch Talks Data Science With B23 Co-Founder

[caption id="attachment_320591" align="alignleft" width="217"] David Hirko, Managing Director and Co-Founder at B23[/caption] At the forefront of fintech is a company which processes mass data better. David Hirko is the co-founder of B23 and his company…