SSV.Network Debuts Permissionless Ethereum Staking with DVT Integration

Marking an important shift in ETH staking, SSV.Network’s recent transition to a permissionless model through its Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) paves the way for a more inclusive, secure, and decentralized Ethereum staking ecosystem.

SSV.Network, focusing on Ethereum Distributed Validator Technology (DVT) staking infrastructure, has made strides with its recent permissionless launch. This development marks an advancement in ETH staking, enhancing security for Ethereum validators and contributing to network decentralization.

This launch, a culmination of three years of dedicated development, makes staking more inclusive for participants. It symbolizes a unifying moment for the Ethereum staking community, highlighting the diverse applications enabled by DVT. SSV Network’s approach lowers the entry barriers to Ethereum staking, providing a comprehensive and open infrastructure that facilitates building, staking, and operating nodes without collateral.

The shift to a permissionless model allows public validators and node operators to engage with this pioneering DVT infrastructure. This openness encourages wider participation in Ethereum’s network health. To mark this occasion, the SSV Core Team will organize an online event to educate and invite participation.

To foster DVT adoption, the SSV DAO has introduced a year-long incentive program. This initiative, backed by 1 million $SSV (valued at around $25 million), rewards users for registering validators on the network. The program extends to those staking on SSV.Network and other services integrating DVT infrastructure, offering additional rewards for node operators across different protocols.

DVT’s role is pivotal in decentralizing ETH validators and, by extension, the Ethereum network. It promotes client and location diversity and infrastructure variety, enhancing uptime and rewards. SSV.Network’s implementation further solidifies the Ethereum ecosystem, facilitating various staking scenarios.

SSV.Network began its phased launch in September 2023 with selected node operators. After ensuring network stability and completing audits, a wider rollout ensued, emphasizing security and extensive testing before achieving full permissionless status. The Ethereum community can now leverage SSV’s open, community-owned protocol for staking, application development, and operating nodes.

Within two months, SSV.Network saw over $160M staked by 74 node operators, and more than 2,200 validators adopted its DVT infrastructure. The permissionless launch is set to boost the diversity of node operators and total value locked, positioning the protocol as a leading solution for Ethereum staking.