Mercuryo launches personalized private crypto banking solution, Mercuryo Pro

“Our approach with Mercuryo Pro is a testament to the growing demand for a seamless bridge between traditional and web3 financial experiences. We aim to offer a solution that redefines the landscape of crypto banking, making these financial services more accessible, secure, and tailored to the individual needs of our clients.”

Mercuryo has launched Mercuryo Pro, a personalized private crypto banking solution that aims to cater to a broader audience, including high-net-worth individuals and companies.

It allows users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like BTC, ETH, SOL, and euro-backed stablecoins for fiat currency without upper limits.

Mercuryo Pro requires KYC and KYB processes

Initially developed in collaboration with Ledger, Mercuryo Pro distinguishes itself by combining decentralized finance principles with a personalized concierge service. Clients have control over their keys and funds while receiving guidance from a dedicated, non-automated human concierge. This service ensures a high level of customization and support throughout the transaction process.

The platform emphasizes security and compliance, requiring clients to complete Know Your Customer (KYC) and Know Your Business (KYB) processes. Clients receive 24/7 support from their concierge, ensuring a responsive and personal experience.

Addressing challenges faced by European users, Mercuryo Pro assists in opening IBAN accounts and simplifies fiat transfers to crypto platforms. This approach enhances the overall user experience.

Redefining crypto banking

Petr Kozyakov, Сo-founder and CEO of Mercuryo, said: “Our approach with Mercuryo Pro is a testament to the growing demand for a seamless bridge between traditional and web3 financial experiences. We aim to offer a solution that redefines the landscape of crypto banking, making these financial services more accessible, secure, and tailored to the individual needs of our clients.”

Jean-Francois, VP of Transaction Services at Ledger, commented: “We’re delighted to work with Mercuryo to expand their offering to a broader audience. Accessibility is a key strategy for Ledger in a crucial year for our industry, and working with partners like Mercuryo who understand the importance of this is essential, particularly when they also place a high value on security.”

In the past few years, FinanceFeeds covered Mercuryo and its partnerships extensively. The firm offers a global gateway to fiat and the crypto world, which enables crypto on- and off-ramps for your customers to buy and sell digital currencies. The Estonian-based fintech company supports several payment methods, including Visa, Mastercard, Google Pay, and Apple Pay. The verification process usually takes up to 10 minutes and after checking the documents, Mercuryo allows users to buy and sell crypto freely. With no-KYC, users can purchase small amounts of cryptocurrencies without the extra step of verifying the identity.