ARTEX: MACD connects Swiss banks to world’s first art stock exchange

“MACD’s technology will enable us to offer Swiss investors the best trading conditions for art as a new asset class. The enthusiasm generated by our exchange platform among Swiss banks also demonstrates the very strong potential for democratising investment in art.”

MACD, a leading Swiss trading connectivity provider, recently enabled Helvetische Bank AG and Incore Bank AG to connect to ARTEX, marking the inception of the world’s first art stock exchange.

Effective from early March, connectivity to the art stock exchange opens up the avant-garde sector of art stocks to customers of these two pioneering Swiss financial institutions.

With the integration of MACD’s software into the banks’ core systems, investors can now trade in this novel asset class, automating the process. ARTEX distinguishes itself as the first art stock exchange globally, offering investors the chance to invest in art without the need to own physical pieces. By purchasing shares in an artwork, investors can trade these shares on the exchange, democratizing access to the traditionally exclusive art market.

Democratizing investment in art

George Macdonald, CEO of MACD, said: “We are delighted to have ARTEX as a very innovative new partner in the MACD network. After representatives of the art stock exchange introduced themselves to the MACD community at our conference in summer 2023, we are now proud to announce that two of our customers are already using the new service and several more are interested. We look forward to a long-term partnership and wish ARTEX every success.”

Yassir Benjelloun-Touimi, co-founder and CEO of ARTEX Stock Exchange, added: “We are delighted to announce this partnership with a well-recognized player in trading connectivity like MACD. MACD’s technology will enable us to offer Swiss investors the best trading conditions for art as a new asset class. The enthusiasm generated by our exchange platform among Swiss banks also demonstrates the very strong potential for democratizing investment in art.”

Mark Dambacher, CEO at InCore Bank, stated: “We are thrilled to be at the forefront of this pioneering venture with MACD and ARTEX, marking a significant milestone in the financial industry by introducing the world’s first art stock exchange. This collaboration not only highlights our commitment to innovation but also enhances our offerings, allowing our clients to diversify their investment portfolios by including art stocks. We are excited to provide our clients with an opportunity to engage in the art market in a novel and accessible manner. We anticipate a bright future for this venture and are committed to supporting our clients as they explore this new asset class.”

ARTEX regulated by FMA of Liechtenstein under MiFID II

ARTEX is regulated by the Financial Market Authority (FMA) of Liechtenstein under the European Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID II), indicating a high level of regulatory oversight and security for investors.

Based in Liechtenstein and regulated within the European Economic Area (EEA), ARTEX has formed a strategic partnership with the Swiss stock exchange SIX, which supports the platform by providing clearing, settlement services, and market data feed.

The art stock exchange aims to make art investment accessible to a broader audience by allowing investors to buy shares in artworks, initially focusing on pieces from the greatest masters from the Renaissance to the twentieth century. These artworks are held by public limited companies established in Luxembourg, and their shares are traded on ARTEX through initial public offerings (IPOs), without imposing any running costs on the shareholders​​​.

Investors are attracted to art shares on ARTEX because they offer a unique investment opportunity that combines aesthetic appreciation with financial returns, supported by art’s historical performance as an asset class characterized by low volatility and strong returns, uncorrelated to more traditional equity and bond markets.

The platform ensures a seamless trading experience and robust trading platform through partnerships with well-established infrastructure service providers like Bloomberg for order management and risk portfolio management systems, and UnaVista for fulfilling information exchange and reporting with supervisory bodies​​​​.