Seal_of_the_United_States_Federal_Reserve_System, extensions

Federal Reserve issues FOMC statement

The Federal Reserve is committed to using its full range of tools to support the U.S. economy in this challenging time, thereby promoting its maximum employment and price stability goals through FOMC. The coronavirus outbreak…

Seal_of_the_United_States_Federal_Reserve_System, extensions

Coronavirus and CARES Act

Chairwoman Waters, Ranking Member McHenry, and other members of the Committee, thank you for the opportunity to testify today to discuss the extraordinary challenges our nation is facing against the Coronavirus pandemic and the steps…

economy, COVID, eligible, policy, model, jobs, FSB, extensions

FED: Introductory Comments

Thank you, President Mester and Treye Johnson, and thanks to everyone for joining us. My job today is to listen, so I will keep my remarks short. But I do want to say that these…