Sucden Financial Hires Ex-UK FCA Bruno Almeida To Lead Regulatory And Financial Risk

Sucden Financial has announced the appointment of Bruno Almeida as Director of Regulatory and Financial Risks, a newly created role that makes him responsible for managing the company’s exchange relationships, capital, and liquidity risks.

The multi-asset execution, clearing and liquidity provider across FX, fixed income, and commodities will leverage Bruno Almeida’s nearly two decades of experience in financial services, specializing in financial risks and regulation.

Bruno Almeida joins Sucden after FNZ and UK FCA

Bruno Almeida joins Sucden Financial from FNZ Group, where he held the position of Chief Financial Officer UKMEA. He also served as Executive Director and Board member of FNZ Securities Ltd.

Before FNZ, Bruno Almeida spent almost four years at the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) as a Lead Associate in the Prudential Specialists Department, where he assessed risk management practices, governance frameworks, capital and liquidity risk within firms prudentially regulated by the FCA.

Prior roles include Head of Capital Management at Itaú BBA International plc, and auditing retail banks, investment banks, and funds for KPMG.

Marc Bailey, Chief Executive Officer at Sucden Financial, commented: “I am delighted to welcome Bruno to Sucden Financial. His extensive expertise in financial risks and prudential regulation, together with his track record at large-scale international financial services firms, will be valuable as we continue to strengthen our risk management framework, develop our technology offering, expand into new markets and deliver value to clients.”

Bruno Almeida, Director of Regulatory and Financial Risks at Sucden Financial, said: “I’m excited to have joined Sucden Financial, which has a strong track record and exceptional reputation. I look forward to helping support the company as it expands its footprint and diversifies into new markets.”

Sucden selected ICE for pricing in vanilla and exotic OTC products

Sucden recently chose Intercontinental Exchange’s Portfolio Analytics platform to enhance its derivatives pricing, trading, and risk management capabilities. As part of its strategy to expand global trading and investment operations, Sucden will utilize the ICE Portfolio Analytics for real-time pricing, trading, and risk management in derivatives.

This platform provides streaming market data and analytics, including pricing and solutions in both vanilla and exotic OTC products across various asset classes. This capability enables Sucden to effectively price and monitor their exposure on an intraday basis.

ICE Portfolio Analytics is a hosted solution, meaning all computational processes are managed by ICE, with the resulting data directly delivered to clients. This integration capability with other applications streamlines workflows and increases efficiency.

Sucden’s collaboration with ICE extends across its front, middle, and back-office teams, all of which will have access to the ICE Portfolio Analytics. This platform allows for comprehensive analysis at both individual security and portfolio levels, offering data and analytics across multiple asset classes. It supports various functions, including pre-trade price discovery, decision support, risk management, and analytics for a wide range of asset classes and instruments.

In late 2023, Sucden Financial and Nasdaq expanded their risk technology partnership by leveraging the Nasdaq Risk Platform for real-time risk monitoring and decision-making support. The Nasdaq Risk Platform, used across Sucden Financial’s trading portfolios, offers live risk views, analytics, and derivative pricing. The move will enhance Sucden Financial’s global market and liquidity risk management capabilities. The expanded agreement includes additional safeguards and expanded coverage in Europe, North America, and Asia. This extension aims to meet the increasing needs of Sucden Financial’s clients.