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SIX Swiss Exchange Reports +1.1% Trading Volume in 2018

SIX Swiss Exchange

SIX Swiss Exchange has reported a trading turnover of CHF 1361.3 billion in 2018. The figure represents 1.1 percent growth year-over-year with an average daily volume of CHF 5.5 billion. The market share of SIX in Swiss Large Cap trading rose from 68.3% to 70.6%.

The market share of SIX in Swiss Large Caps climbed to more than 70 percent as the exchange listed twelve companies, including the third-largest IPO in Europe, the initial public offering of SIG Combibloc with a transaction volume of CHF 1.7 billion. The good global environment for IPOs and the high level of listing activity by companies in the past year was therefore also reflected on the Swiss stock exchange.

In 2017, SIX ranked fourth in Europe behind Deutsche Börse, London Stock Exchange and Euronext, in regard to IPO volumes, recording a total IPO transaction volume of CHF 3.9 billion.

Jos Dijsselhof, Chief Executive Officer at SIX, commented:

“2018 was a realignment year for SIX. That’s why I am all the more pleased that it was a good year for our exchange. We carried out the highest number of initial public offerings in 17 years, as well as the third-largest IPO in Europe. As in the previous year, our market share in Swiss Large Cap trading rose again – and now exceeds 70%. These values demonstrate our appeal as a venue for listing and trading securities. At the same time, we have continuously invested in the enhancement of our systems, and the preparations for SIX Digital Exchange are well underway. This will enable us to provide good trading conditions for Swiss securities and strengthen our position as their reference market.”

The exchange reported the highest monthly turnover in October, when the trading volume reached around CHF 128.2 billion, with the highest number of trades being in October as well, totaling 6,210,722 trades. The single day with the highest trading turnover was of CHF 12.3 billion on 2 May 2018. On 6 February, SIX recorded the day with the most trades: 506,603.