Leading the way In Financial Content Marketing – Contentworks Agency Celebrates 5 Years

Contentworks is the go-to content marketing agency for the finance space. Working in a fast-moving environment, the agency’s team of financial services content marketers provides technical analysis, financial blogging, videos, education and finance-focused social media. Contentworks Agency turns 5 this month. So, we’re speaking with directors Niki Nikolaou and Charlotte Day about the agency’s industry perspectives and future goals.

You’re Known As The Go-To Agency For Finance – How Did That Happen?

Charlotte: Niki and I are both from a financial services marketing background, so that influenced the direction of the agency. We understand the niche nature of financial marketing following rules and updates from ASIC, CySEC, MFSA, FCA, FRB, SEC and MiFID II regulations. We set up the agency to create engaging content for the financial services sector. Compliant but fun. Yes, it’s a thing! We know how to create great content that wins audiences without ruffling the compliance warlords. We’re also sociable which has helped over the years. We network in the right places and know how to handle financial PR and media.

Niki: You really need to understand the financial markets and follow them closely. If you’re not specialised in financial services, you just wouldn’t be able to dedicate yourself to marketing for this complex industry. As a team, we subscribe to all the financial news sites, regulatory updates and finance trends, meaning we never lose focus. We also create market analysis each day for clients as well as monthly regulation roundups, so we always know exactly what’s going on in the finance world and keep brokers up to speed with leverage changes, crypto restrictions, trading regulations and more. I think our clients value the fact we can take difficult finance topics and turn them into engaging content. 

Is Financial Marketing Boring?

Charlotte: The finance industry is heavily regulated for the protection of investors, savers, and traders. That means no “make money fast” messaging or “win a Ferrari if you deposit”. But I see the finance space as an exciting opportunity to flex your creativity within the rules. It’s a challenge. Plus, money is such an important factor. It’s the key to your dream vacation, ideal home, retirement fund and security. It’s also a space where most people are lacking education and the challenge is to provide this in a fun, engaging and non-condescending way.

Niki: There’s a lot of fun financial brands out there. You see it a lot with fintechs like Klarna, Robinhood or Starling Bank. I think a lot of forex brands are so desperate to be taken as serious financial products that they forget to be human. Fun is not just haha funny, it’s something that’s relatable or as the Danes say, Hygge – a cozy vibe. Traders are younger, on mobile, and take in a multitude of social and other media channels each day so don’t have a lot of time to absorb complex messaging. Broker content (both visually and the written word) needs to be concise and meaningful. Humour is great and will always stop someone in their tracks. But it is can be hard to pull off when you’re targeting internationally.

How Does It Feel To Be Turning 5?

Charlotte: It seems like only yesterday that Niki and I were brainstorming on the floor of her apartment.  Now we’re content marketing leaders in an exciting sector that’s evolving at a phenomenal rate. New tools and features are being rolled out regularly and we’re constantly learning and strategising. Things are busy but we will find time for some cake and a sneaky gin to celebrate! 

Niki: There’s certainly a lot to keep us busy as we head into our sixth year. In fact, I don’t think I’ve ever seen the financial landscape so alive. As we navigate an industry which refuses to stand still, we’re also thrilled to be keeping our loyal clients and can’t wait to take on some new and exciting challenges. We’ve been referred to as finance veterans. That did make us laugh – and reach for our Tom Collins. Being part of the finance community internationally is also a great privilege and one we don’t take for granted. Over the past few years, we’ve media partnered with some great events (virtual and in-person) such as the iFX EXPO, Hong Kong Fintech and Money20/20. We also make a point of regularly attending or speaking at finance conferences. This puts us in good stead to maintain valuable connections and keep on top of the fast-paced finance landscape.

What have you been working on?

Charlotte: As well as working with clients, we’ve also launched a website redesign complete with brand new features such as our Portfolio, which can also be accessed from the home page. This allows new clients to check out our work. Another important addition to our site is the integrated home page social media feed. This takes people straight through to our Facebook, Instagram and Twitter channels for instant access to Contentworks updates. 

Niki: We are also top finance writers on Medium and have a TikTok featuring funny client problems. In fact, we were voted top finance writers on Medium which is incredible and reflects our focus on engaging finance content. We’ve also launched new educational e-Books that are free to download, a top Content Bar loaded with factual yet entertaining articles and a free finance calendar for our clients to help them navigate each year in style.

Which new platforms are you loving for finance marketing?

Charlotte: We’ve always had a strong presence on Twitter, crafting unique social strategies for our finance and fintech clients. It’s certainly the place to be for finance-specific trends, stock moves and anything to do with Elon Musk! But it’s also important to diversify and focus on platforms with increased traction. Medium is great for finance audiences. If you write valuable content, the algorithmic timeline will present your brand to the right people and boost your presence on the site. High-quality content can even benefit from additional distribution in Medium’s emails, apps, homepage and more, considering it meets distribution standards.

Niki: Another great way for finance brands to authentically connect with traders and investors is through Reddit. Here, you can join specific subcategories which focus on topics such as forex trading. The key here is to remember that Reddit users aren’t interested in boring marketing jargon. They’ve come to the site to be engaged, informed and entertained, so the content you add to the site must be up-to-scratch and non-promotional. It’s all about valuable contributions that’ll get eyes on your brand.

Charlotte: And let’s not forget TikTok. This platform really took off in the past few years and is a valuable tool for marketers like us. Where pay-per-click and banner ads once dominated the digital marketing landscape, today, it’s authentic video content. There’s a big opportunity to reach Gen Z through TikTok. With this generation using the platform, finance brands can leverage the app at a time in these young people’s lives when they are just becoming interested in the world of finance. But don’t go reading your company USPs or promoting yourself on the platform. Nobody wants that! I’m excited to see people being more authentic. For many years we saw financial directors appearing each quarter in a suit and awkwardly making a statement. Now we’re seeing teams taking part in charity initiatives, honest dialogue and hilarious TikToks. Today’s finance consumers, especially in the Millennial and GenZ spaces want honest dialogue and high-performance services.

What’s your client base like now?

Niki: Since our launch, five years ago, we’ve had the pleasure of working with many clients, many of who are still with us from the beginning, and are very grateful for their trust and loyalty. Today, we remain finance-focused, working closely with FX brands but adding more banks, fintechs, crypto exchanges, PSPs and other investment firms to our portfolio. Our clients are all keen to utilise organic content to hit their KPIs. We work in a very strategic way, so content plans are unique to each of our clients. This is based on their demographic, KPIs, products, regulators and budget. That keeps things interesting for us. Our client base is also international. We work closely with the UK and European clients as well as those based in Australia, Singapore, Dubai and the US. 

As the agency enters its 6th year, we wish the team success for the year ahead. Speak to Contentworks Agency about financial services content for your finance or fintech brand.