Hitachi and Cloudera Deliver New Tokyo Stock Exchange Platform

TSE - Cloudera Tokyo Stock Exchange (TSE) has adopted Hitachi’s Pentaho data integration and analysis platform – core of Hitachi’s Lumada portfolio – and Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub for its new platform which streamlines back-office operations and intersystem linkage to promote the utilization of information assets.

The platform combines Pentaho and Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub, to provide efficient data integration, simple visualization, and processing performance for the activity of standardizing data management across the Japan Exchange Group and streamlining back-office operations such as form creation and transaction fee calculation. TSE processes more than tens of millions transactions on a typical day, and more than 100 million on busy days.

Takashi Kamikura, Manager of Information Systems Department, IT Development Division at Tokyo Stock Exchange, said: “In recent years, the amount of market-related data has continued to increase remarkably, making improved data processing an urgent issue. With this latest adoption of Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub, we have significantly improved our data processing capabilities and we are delighted to have achieved stable operation. In addition, we were able to quickly and easily develop the applications needed to utilize Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub with the intuitive GUI-based operation offered by Pentaho, which is highly compatible with the Hadoop environment. In the future we have our sights on expanding to the cloud and utilizing the data to create new businesses.”

The platform utilizes the Pentaho Data Integration (data integration and form creation) and Pentaho Business Analytics (visualization and analysis) as well as the Cloudera Enterprise Data Hub. Pentaho was used to consolidate data that had previously been dispersed across individual business systems such as those for form creation and fee calculation, and data integration processing was standardized. This greatly streamlined data preparation tasks, which especially required considerable time and effort in the data analysis process, and made it
easy to cross-reference data between different systems. The parallel distributed processing and the SQL engine Impala offered by Cloudera
also speeds up batch processing to significantly reduce processing times and ensure scalability to handle future data increases.

Hitachi and Cloudera will continue to support the promotion of digital transformation at Tokyo Stock Exchange through the provision of an environment allowing the creation of new services that utilize the accumulated data assets and contribute to ongoing business reform and development. The operator plans to progressively expand the platform as a common infrastructure of the Japan Exchange Group.