The Industry Spread

ACI FMA launches ACI Online FX Global Code Exam

Bruno Langfritz, Chair of the Management Board at ACI Financial Markets Association

ACI Financial Markets Association (ACI FMA), the trade association representing around 9,000 financial market professionals, is launching a new online version of the FX Global Code Certificate on 25 May 2018.

The 60-minute online exam is aimed at certifying that Market Participants across buy side, sell side and intermediary institutions, regulators, central banks, middle and back-office, operations personnel and compliance and risk officers have taken the first step towards demonstrating adherence and knowledge of the FX Global Code.

It offers, through self–certification, a formal testing and qualification of an individual’s understanding of the Code’s six themes and 55 principles – testing practical application of aligned best market practices.

The certificate is complemented by the ACI FMA’s more sophisticated and tailored E-Learning, Attestation and Certification (ELAC) Portal, a continuous learning and professional development solution that provides training toward comprehensive adherence to Codes of Conduct through Questions and real life Scenarios.

Bruno Langfritz, Chair of the Management Board at ACI Financial Markets Association, said: “As we approach the deadline for institutions to sign up to the Code, the ACI Online FX Global Code Exam is another tangible step for market practitioners to demonstrate their awareness of the Codes’ principles and how it applies to their jobs. The ACI Online FX Global Code Exam, for the first time, enables individuals who wish to show they adhere to the FX Global Code easy access to a tool that demonstrates they understand the principles involved, and can be taken anywhere on your computer.

“In addition to the certificate, we are seeing a strong demand for our ELAC Portal, which provides a more comprehensive learning and development experience. This is contributing towards a greater understanding of the prevailing ethical standards, adherence and best practices in the FX market.”