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Vantage offers insights into EV supply chain on latest “The Vantage View” episode

“We are thrilled to partner with Bloomberg Media Studios once again to bring forth this latest episode of The Vantage View, offering viewers unparalleled insights into the transformative potential of Asia’s electrified mobility landscape.”

Vantage Markets has launched the third episode of its series, “The Vantage View,” in partnership with Bloomberg Media Studios.

The new episode focused on sustainable mobility, particularly on the electrification of transportation in Asia and its investment prospects, shedding light on various investment opportunities within the EV supply chain, encompassing raw materials, battery technology, and charging infrastructure, showcasing Asia’s dynamic and evolving electric mobility landscape.

“EVs are set to constitute 59% of all light-vehicle sales by 2035”

Marc Despallieres, Chief Strategy and Trading Officer, Vantage, said: “We are thrilled to partner with Bloomberg Media Studios once again to bring forth this latest episode of The Vantage View, offering viewers unparalleled insights into the transformative potential of Asia’s electrified mobility landscape. As the world increasingly embraces sustainable transportation solutions, this episode serves as a timely exploration of the investment opportunities and market trends shaping the future of mobility.”

The video features Andrey Berdichevskiy, a prominent figure from the Boston Consulting Group (BCG), where he leads the Southeast Asia Centre for Climate & Sustainability. Berdichevskiy shares an in-depth analysis of the future of the automotive industry, highlighting the swift rise of Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs).

According to his projections, BEVs are set to constitute 59% of all light-vehicle sales by 2035. Furthermore, he points out the expected tripling of electric two-wheelers, predominantly in Asia, by 2040, underscoring the continent’s critical role in the shift towards electric vehicles (EVs).

The Vantage View covers pressing political-economic issues

It was in Q3 2023 that Vantage announced the production of “The Vantage View” in partnership with Bloomberg Media Studios. The video series promises to bring authoritative opinions and expert commentary to a broad audience every quarter, featuring a range of experts discussing a variety of pressing political-economic issues. Topics will span from the geopolitical consequences of climate change policies to the role of technological innovations, such as Artificial Intelligence, in financial markets. The video series aims to be a go-to source for diverse viewers, including investors, professionals, and those keen on understanding the complexities of the global economic landscape.

In January, the multi-asset broker launched an episode focused on the circular economy featuring Dr. Seeram Ramakrishna, a Professor and Director at the Centre for Nanotechnology and Sustainability, National University of Singapore. Dr. Ramakrishna contrasts the traditional linear economy with the circular economy, highlighting the latter’s societal benefits. He discusses how the financial sector is increasingly adopting circular practices to diversify and reduce long-term risks. Additionally, the episode provides insights for retail investors on how to contribute to the circular economy.

The circular economy model, which focuses on resource efficiency and sustainability, represents a significant shift from traditional linear economic models. In a linear economy, the process typically follows a ‘take-make-dispose’ pattern, often leading to increased waste and environmental degradation. Conversely, the circular economy aims to redefine growth, focusing on positive society-wide benefits. It entails gradually decoupling economic activity from the consumption of finite resources and designing waste out of the system.

The concept is grounded in the principles of designing out waste and pollution, keeping products and materials in use, and regenerating natural systems. This approach not only has environmental benefits but also offers economic advantages. According to a report by the Ellen MacArthur Foundation, the circular economy could generate a net economic benefit of $1 trillion annually by 2025.