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Trintech Releases 2020 Global Record to Report Benchmark Report

Trintech, the Dallas headquartered multinational Fintech service provider announced the release of its 2020 Global Record to Report Benchmark Report. According to statement issued by the firm, Trintech had surveyed nearly 200 enterprise companies from 31 countries across the globe during January 2020 to assess and estimate of the rate and level of Record to Report (R2R) process automation across these firms. Some of these firms have fully automated process, while others are in the process of automating their R2R process. But there are also those finance and accounting (F&A) firms which have no automated process for Record to Report process at the moment but are considering adoption of automation in future.

Some of the valuable findings derived from this survey on trends in R2R automation are

As per current data, among these firms only 20% of participants have some form of established and advanced automation process currently in place. However, many firms have expressed interest and are moving to automate at-least several parts of financial processes while few firms continue to show hesitance and delay in considering implementation of automation process. The statement from the Fintech provider also mentioned that it is hosting a joint webinar alongside Hackett Group on May 14th, 2020 to dig deeper into results of this benchmark report. During the webinar, participants can gain an insight on how to prepare their organisations for financial automation in the future. Key points which are expected to be addressed during the webinar include:

To those unfamiliar with Hackett Group, it is a NASDAQ listed intellectual property based strategic consultancy service provider which focuses on smart automation and enterprise cloud application implementation.

Speaking about their survey report, David King, Chief Marketing Officer at Trintech said “Automating low-value, repetitive tasks completed by the office of finance is finally starting to gain traction – we see the interest in the benefits of financial automation growing each year. These insights show that there is a huge potential for organizations to achieve significant ROI through the implementation of automation technology. Now, more than ever, organizations are looking for ways to be more efficient, while increasing transparency and ensuring data integrity as part of their month end or quarter end close. The office of finance is providing insights almost daily now that are crucial for business decisions across every industry”.

Speaking on same note, Jim O’Connor, Managing Principal Advisory Practice at The Hackett Group  added “Organizations need to spend more time understanding risk and less time managing data – approaches that deliver that efficiently and effectively, and drive quality into the process, have immense value”.