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Solana and Brave Announce Partnership to Integrate Solana dApps

Solana and Brave browser announced a partnership yesterday by which Solana would be integrated into the browser and it would become the default for dApp support opening it up to many Brave users.

The Brave browser is reportedly being used by over 42 million users and this is a great way for taking Solana to a very large audience which would improve its branding and also make many more crypto users aware of the network. Solana is seen as a future challenger to Ethereum with its low gas fees and high transaction speeds. Though similar upgrades are being promised as part of ETH 2.0, for now, the Ethreum network suffers due to congestion and high gas fees and this has benefited other networks like Solana and Polygon a great deal. Solana has been onboarding a lot of users as well as developers onto its network over the last few months and despite certain hiccups like difficult technology and lack of proper documentation, many developers have been flocking to the network in the hope that they would be able to replicate the success seen in Ethereum.

“For billions of people, the mobile web will be their gateway to Web3,” said Anatoly Yakovenko, CEO of Solana Labs. “Deep integration with browsers is key to helping DApps build the best web experiences. Brave’s announcement of Solana wallet support across all versions of their browsers is an important step to onboard the next billion users to Solana.”

The partnership was announced at the Solana breakpoint conference which is currently being held in Lisbon where other announcements are also expected today as well. Brave has made it clear that it would continue to support Ethereum the way it was doing before but the fact that both are now on the browser shows that the crypto industry is increasingly viewing Solana on par with Ethereum and they do consider it as something that could overtake ETH in the future unless the Ethereum developers pull up their socks and make their network more accessible to all by bringing down the gas fees and encouraging the developers to continue their development on the network like before. Whether the partnership between Solana and Brave would lead to the migration of users to the Solana network is something that will be answered with time.