The Industry Spread

Maximise ROI by Automating Your Social Media Strategy –

Are you using social media to promote your brokerage or fintech brand? If you’re still wondering whether you need to, here are some statistics you should check out

As of July 2022, 4.62 billion people across the world use social media, which equates to 58.4% of the world’s population. In fact, 376 million new social media users joined in 2022 alone. More importantly, 76% of internet users visit social media platforms for product research, while 71% of customers who have positive interactions with a brand on social media will recommend it to their social contacts.

Can you really afford to miss out on including social media in your digital marketing strategy?

Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Brokers

Social media is a quick, effective and inexpensive way to connect with more than half the world’s population. In fact, it can help you reach and engage new audiences to:

  • Increase brand awareness
  • Build trust and establish thought leadership
  • Humanise your brand and showcase its personality
  • Generate leads and boost sales
  • Learn more about your target audience
  • Gauge sentiment about your business
  • Keep track of the competition
  • Stay updated on industry news
  • Target your advertising by geography, demographics and interests
  • Stay on top of the customer’s mind

However, maintaining an active social media presence isn’t easy. Hiring your own in-house team can prove expensive and tie up your resources. Fortunately, there’s a simple way to maximise both your social media presence and ROI from these platforms – automation. Automating your social media strategy can not only free up manpower and other resources, but it also takes all the stress off your shoulders, so that you can focus on growing your business.

Automating Your Social Media Strategy

An AI and machine learning-driven content solution, powered by Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology, seamlessly creates unique and engaging content for various social media channels. The biggest advantage of such a tool is that it allows you to connect with people in the language they are most comfortable with, since NLP flawlessly translates content into multiple languages without impacting the grammar or meaning of your content.

Take a look at a comparison of human content generation vs. automated content creation.


Manually Created Content Automated Content
Original content Original content
Limited to 1-2 posts per day Up to 6 posts per day
Limited to one analysis type Up to 7 different analysis types
Published during working hours Automated region-specific content
High translation costs Zero translation costs


With the power of AI and machine learning, thousands of data sets can be crawled to find the most relevant information for your customers. This includes financial news, analyst opinions, market trends and more. It is possibly the most cost-effective way to produce original, engaging, multilingual content. Compare it to hiring a huge team of analysts and translators, and the ROI certainly seems clear.

With automation, you can manage multiple social media profiles, including the most popular ones, such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Plus, you get to maintain a consistent presence across channels, with posts being automatically published at the most optimal times across time zones.

With 78% of customers saying they would buy from a brand after having a positive social media experience with them, are you ready to harness the power of social media automation?

Contact us to learn how you can maximise ROI through automated social media strategies.