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Global FX Market Summary: FED, Eurozone Inflation, Oil Prices, May 29 ,2024

The Federal Reserve is likely holding interest rates steady due to mixed economic data and global uncertainty, but this wait-and-see approach is impacting the US dollar, risk aversion, and inflation.

  1. Federal Reserve Monetary Policy

The Federal Reserve (Fed) is the central bank of the United States and is responsible for setting monetary policy. This policy aims to achieve three main goals:

  • Maximum employment: The Fed wants to keep unemployment as low as possible without causing inflation to spiral out of control.
  • Stable prices: The Fed targets a low and stable inflation rate, typically around 2%.
  • Moderate long-term interest rates: The Fed wants to keep interest rates from becoming too high or too low, which can harm economic growth.

Current situation:

  • The Fed is expected to hold interest rates steady in 2024, despite some Fed officials expressing concerns about inflation and hinting at potential rate hikes.
  • This wait-and-see approach is due to a few factors:
    • Geopolitical tensions and global economic uncertainty.
    • Mixed economic data in the US, with strong job growth but concerns about inflation.
  • Holding rates steady keeps borrowing costs low for businesses and consumers, which can stimulate economic activity.
  • However, it can also contribute to inflation if not managed carefully.


  • The decision to hold rates is causing the US dollar to strengthen. This makes US exports more expensive and imports cheaper, potentially putting downward pressure on inflation.
  • The wait-and-see approach is also increasing risk aversion in financial markets, as investors are unsure about the future direction of interest rates.
  1. Eurozone Inflation

The Eurozone, the economic and monetary union of the European Union (EU), is also facing inflation concerns.

  • Inflation rates in the Eurozone have been rising in 2024, but at a slower pace than initially expected.
  • This is partly due to a slowdown in economic growth and lower energy prices compared to earlier projections.

European Central Bank (ECB) Policy:

  • The ECB, the central bank of the Eurozone, is responsible for setting monetary policy for the member countries.
  • Unlike the Fed, the ECB has been more cautious about raising interest rates due to concerns about slowing economic growth and high debt levels in some member states.

Future Outlook:

  • If inflation continues to moderate, the ECB may be more open to cutting interest rates later in 2024.
  • This could help to stimulate economic growth and borrowing in the Eurozone.
  • However, the ECB will need to balance the need to control inflation with the need to support economic activity.
  1. Oil Prices

Oil prices are a major factor in global inflation and economic growth.

  • Oil prices have come under pressure in 2024 due to several factors:
    • Concerns about a global economic slowdown, which could reduce demand for oil.
    • Potential for increased oil production from OPEC+ (Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries and allies) in June.

OPEC+ Meeting:

  • The upcoming OPEC+ meeting in June will be crucial for determining the future direction of oil prices.
  • If OPEC+ decides to increase production significantly, it could lead to lower oil prices.
  • However, if OPEC+ maintains production cuts or even agrees to reduce them further, oil prices could rise again.

Impact on Inflation:

  • Lower oil prices can help to reduce inflationary pressures, as energy costs are a major component of many goods and services.
  • However, higher oil prices can contribute to inflation and put a strain on household budgets.

The outcome of the OPEC+ meeting will be closely watched by financial markets and policymakers around the world.


Top 5 Economic Releases for the Week:

  1. U.S. Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Thursday, May 30th, 12:30 PM EDT)
  • Impact: HIGH
  • Currency: USD
  • Description: This report provides a comprehensive picture of the health of the U. economy by measuring the total market value of all final goods and services produced within the country. It is a key indicator of economic growth and a major factor influencing Federal Reserve monetary policy decisions.
  1. Eurozone Inflation Data (Friday, May 31st, Various Times)
  • Impact: HIGH
  • Currency: EUR
  • Description: This includes several reports on inflation in the Eurozone, including the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP) and the Core HICP. These reports measure changes in the price of goods and services purchased by consumers, which is a major concern for central banks and policymakers.
  1. Core Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (PCE) (Friday, May 31st, 12:30 PM EDT)
  • Impact: HIGH
  • Currency: USD
  • Description: This is the Federal Reserve’s preferred gauge of inflation in the United States. It measures the changes in the price of goods and services consumed by households. A significant deviation from expectations could influence the Fed’s monetary policy decisions.
  1. Swiss National Bank (SNB) Chairman Jordan Speech (Thursday, May 30th, 12:00 AM EDT)
  • Impact: HIGH
  • Currency: CHF
  • Description: Speeches by central bank officials can provide valuable insights into their assessment of the current economic climate and their future policy intentions. This speech by SNB Chairman Jordan could impact the Swiss Franc (CHF) and influence investor sentiment towards the Swiss economy.
  1. Bank of Canada (BoC) Gross Domestic Product (GDP) (Friday, May 31st, 12:30 PM EDT)
  • Impact: HIGH
  • Currency: CAD
  • Description: Similar to the U. GDP report, this release measures the economic health of Canada. It is a vital indicator for the Bank of Canada (BoC) when making monetary policy decisions.


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