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Global FX Market Summary: FED, ECB, Global Inflation, May 27 ,2024

Central banks walk a tightrope: Fed stays hawkish on inflation, ECB eyes rate cuts but waits on data. This could cause currency swings and impact global economic growth.

  1. Federal Reserve Monetary Policy – Hawkish Stance Amidst Strong Economy and Inflation Concerns
  • Strong US Economic Data: Recent economic indicators like the surprisingly upbeat preliminary Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) report for May suggest a robust US economy. This economic strength allows the Fed to maintain its current hawkish stance, which means keeping interest rates high.
  • Persistent Inflation: Although inflation has shown signs of slowing down compared to the hot first quarter, it remains above the Fed’s target rate of 2%. Factors like higher wage growth, fueled by negotiations causing deeper pockets for households, could lead to a rise in consumer spending and further inflationary pressures. This keeps the Fed cautious about easing its monetary policy.
  • Delayed Rate Cuts: Market expectations for a Fed rate cut in September have been pushed back due to the strong economic data and persistent inflation concerns. The CME Fedwatch Tool shows a shift in probabilities, with a higher chance of keeping rates unchanged in September compared to previous estimates.
  • Impact on US Dollar: The Fed’s hawkish stance and delayed rate cuts are positive for the US Dollar (USD) in the short term. Higher interest rates generally attract foreign investment, which strengthens the Dollar’s value. However, the long-term impact can be complex, as a strong Dollar can hinder exports.
  1. European Central Bank Monetary Policy – Rate Cuts with Uncertainty
  • ECB Rate Cut in June: The ECB is widely expected to announce a rate cut in their June meeting to combat inflation in the Eurozone. This policy aims to stimulate economic activity and slow down price increases.
  • Uncertainty Beyond June: While a June rate cut seems likely, ECB policymakers are hesitant to commit to further cuts. They want to remain data-dependent and see how inflation evolves before making further decisions. This uncertainty regarding the future path of ECB policy can cause some volatility in the Euro.
  • Inflationary Pressures in Eurozone: Similar to the US, inflation remains a concern in the Eurozone. The upcoming preliminary inflation data for May will be crucial for the ECB to assess the effectiveness of current policies and determine the need for further action.
  • Impact on Euro: The anticipated rate cut in June could initially weaken the Euro (EUR) as it suggests a looser monetary policy. However, the Euro could strengthen if inflation data comes in lower than expected, reducing pressure for further easing from the ECB.
  1. Global Inflation – A Key Concern for Markets
  • Focus on Inflation Data Releases: This week’s inflation data releases from both the US (core Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index) and the Eurozone (preliminary inflation data) will be closely watched by markets. This data will influence market speculation for central bank policy decisions and currency valuations.
  • Impact on Central Bank Decisions: The inflation data will be a key factor in determining the future path of monetary policy for both the Fed and the ECB. Lower inflation numbers could lead to earlier rate cuts, while persistent inflation could lead to continued hawkish stances.
  • Market Volatility: Depending on the outcome of the inflation data releases, there could be some volatility in currency markets. Unexpectedly high inflation readings could strengthen the USD and weaken the Euro as investors adjust their expectations for central bank actions.
  • Global Economic Impact: High inflation can have a negative impact on global economic growth as it reduces consumer purchasing power and discourages investment. Central banks are aiming to control inflation and maintain a balance between price stability and economic growth.


Top 5 Economic Releases for the Week (May 26th – May 31st, 2024):

  1. Core Inflation Data (USD & EUR – May 31st, 2024):
  • Importance: HIGH
  • Description: This data release includes the Core Personal Consumption Expenditures Price Index (MoM & YoY) for the US and the Core Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (MoM & YoY) for the Eurozone. “Core” means it excludes food and energy prices, which can be volatile. This data is a key indicator of underlying inflationary pressures and will be closely watched by markets to gauge the effectiveness of central bank policies.
  1. Retail Sales (MoM & YoY) – Various Dates:
  • Importance: High for EUR & AUD, Medium for USD
  • Description: This data release measures the total value of goods sold by retailers over a specific period. It’s a crucial indicator of consumer spending, which is a major driver of economic growth. Releases include:
    • Eurozone Retail Sales (MoM & YoY) – May 31st, 2024
    • US Retail Sales (s.a. MoM) – May 28th, 2024
    • Australian Retail Sales (MoM) – May 29th, 2024
  1. Consumer and Business Confidence (Various Dates):
  • Importance: Medium
  • Description: This data release includes surveys that measure consumer and business sentiment towards the economy. Higher confidence levels are generally associated with increased spending and investment, which can boost economic growth. Releases include:
    • US Consumer Confidence – May 28th, 2024
    • Eurozone Consumer Confidence – May 29th, 2024
    • German IFO Business Climate Survey (Current Assessment, Expectations) – May 27th, 2024
    • Australian ANZ Business Confidence – May 29th, 2024
  1. Central Bank Meetings and Speeches (Various Dates):
  • Importance: Medium
  • Description: Central bank policy decisions and comments from central bank officials can significantly impact financial markets. Key events include:
    • Eurogroup Meetings – May 27th & 28th, 2024 (ECB policymakers discuss monetary policy)
    • Speeches by ECB President Lane, ECB board member Schnabel, Fed officials Bowman, Mester, Daly, Kashkari, Williams, Cook, and Bostic (発言 [hatsugen] – speeches in Japanese)
  1. Gross Domestic Product (Various Dates):
  • Importance: High for CAD, Medium for EUR & USD
  • Description: This data release measures the total value of goods and services produced in an economy during a specific period. It’s the broadest measure of economic health. Releases include:
    • Canadian Gross Domestic Product (QoQ, YoY) – May 30th, 2024
    • Eurozone Gross Domestic Product (QoQ) – May 31st, 2024
    • US Gross Domestic Product (Annualized) – May 30th, 2024

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