The Industry Spread

FXPA elects Joe Hoffman as new Chair in its 10th anniversary

“The opportunity to serve as Chair of the FXPA is truly an honor, and I am committed to upholding the exceptional work of a FXPA. Given the recent market fluctuations due to global tensions, inflationary pressures, shifts in monetary policy, as well as the outcome of the US election and the risk of recession, brings the potential for more FX volatility in 2024. I am dedicated to expanding the FXPA’s membership and I’m excited about collaborating with all members to echo the unified voice of the FX market.”

The Foreign Exchange Professionals Association (FXPA) has elected a new slate of Officers and Board of Directors during its annual meeting in Washington, DC, coinciding with the organization’s 10th anniversary.

The FXPA plays a pivotal role in the global currency market by representing the collective interests of professional foreign exchange market participants, including advocating for a sound, liquid, transparent, and competitive global currency market.

“Potential for more FX volatility in 2024”

Joe Hoffman, Dale Haver, Jeff Roberts, and Lauren Rosborough have taken officer roles as part of FXPA’s Executive Committee. They will be tasked with setting the organization’s agenda for the coming year.

Joe Hoffman, CEO of Mesirow Currency Management at Mesirow Financial in Seattle, has been elected as the new Chair of FXPA. Dale Haver, Senior Managing Director, Global Head of FX Sales at State Street Global Markets in Boston, takes the role of Vice Chair. Jeff Roberts, Director, EBS Market Product at CME Group in London, has been appointed Treasurer, and Lauren Rosborough Watt, Economics & Investment Manager at CalPERS in Sacramento, continues her role as Secretary.

“The opportunity to serve as Chair of the FXPA is truly an honor, and I am committed to upholding the exceptional work of a FXPA. Given the recent market fluctuations due to global tensions, inflationary pressures, shifts in monetary policy, as well as the outcome of the US election and the risk of recession, brings the potential for more FX volatility in 2024. I am dedicated to expanding the FXPA’s membership and I’m excited about collaborating with all members to echo the unified voice of the FX market,” said Joe Hoffman.

FXPA officers to coordinate working groups

During 2023, FXPA launched three new working groups. The T+1 Settlement WG, working together with the Buy Side WG, produced a guidance paper for the buy side on preparations for the transition in May 2024.

The Buy Side WG is also focussed on issues pertaining to transparency. The Trading Platforms WG is developing a white paper that focuses on FX Global Code compliance on trading venues, among other topics. Additional working groups include the Digital Assets WG and Off-Market Pricing WG.

The newly elected Board of Directors includes professionals from Bloomberg, CalPERS, Cboe Global Markets, CME Group, Eaton Vance Management, Euronext US Inc, GlobalLink, Insight Investment, Mesirow Financial, Portware, and State Street Global Markets.

FXPA’s board members are:

Martin Knudsen, Senior Product Manager, FX Electronic Trading, Bloomberg
Lauren Rosborough Watt, Economics & Investment Manager, CalPERS
Scot Halvorsen, Assistant General Counsel, Cboe Global Markets
Jeff Roberts, Director, EBS Market Product, CME Group
Taylor Haberstock, Associate Trader, Global Income, Eaton Vance Management
Patrick Basilice, Chief Compliance Officer, Euronext US Inc, Euronext
Cathrine Poulton, Managing Director, Global Buyside Head of GlobalLink FX Product Sales, GlobalLink
Richard Turner, Senior Trader, Insight Investment
Joseph Hoffman, CEO, Mesirow Currency Management, Mesirow Financial
Christopher Matsko, Head of FX Trading Services, Portware
Dale Haver, Senior Managing Director, State Street Global Markets

Since its inception in 2014, the FXPA represents the collective interests of professional participants in the foreign exchange (FX) market and includes a wide range of members from the buy side, sell side, exchanges, trading platforms, and technology providers.

Through its activities, the FXPA provides guidance on best practices, compliance with global standards such as the FX Global Code, and insights into the impact of technological advancements and regulatory changes on the FX market.
