The Industry Spread

BlackBull Markets becomes Major Partner of the Starship Foundation

BlackBull Markets is proud to announce it has joined the Starship Foundation family as a Major Partner.

The Starship Foundation fundraises to support the vital work of Starship, New Zealand’s national children’s hospital, generating more than $160 million for paediatric healthcare since 1992. These funds are invested in critical research, equipment, technology and programmes that make a significant impact for ill and injured children and their families across the country. Recently, this has included an expansion of New Zealand’s only dedicated Paediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU), research into surgical pathways for children with rare heart conditions and ongoing support for the Starship National Air Ambulance, a unique service which retrieves a child every 45 hours and flies them to Starship for urgent and life-saving specialist care.

As a Major Partner, BlackBull Markets will provide significant sponsorship over the next three years, helping to ensure all children and their families receive world-class care in their time of need and enabling Starship to keep pace with the latest advances in technology, medical equipment, specialist training, research and innovation.

BlackBull Markets CEO Michael Walker expressed the company’s pride in partnering with the Starship Foundation, stating, “We are a proud New Zealand company and believe in making a meaningful difference here. The work that the Starship Foundation does for the young patients of Starship Children’s Hospital is so impactful. Having seen first-hand the courage of the patients and the important work performed by Starship and the Foundation, we couldn’t be prouder to become a Major Partner for the foreseeable future.”

“Corporate philanthropy makes an incredible impact in the lives of Starship patients and their whānau,” adds Starship Foundation CEO Joanna Simon. “We’re thrilled to welcome BlackBull Markets to our family of partners who play such an important role in bringing better health and brighter futures to children across the country. With a 25% increase in patient visits, stays and appointments at Starship over the past year, this partnership comes at a critical time. We couldn’t be more grateful for the support of the BlackBull Markets team.”