The Industry Spread

Autochartist Acquires Fx News Trading Service, Delkos Research

Retail Fx tool provider, Autochartist has announced that it has concluded the acquisition of a controlling stake in Delkos Research. The company is involved in providing forecasts and content for forex and futures brokers based on global macroeconomic events. This is the second acquisition for Autochartist in 2018, the first one being the VerifyMyTrade, a retail fx trade verification platform.

Delkos’s News Events Trading Services (NETS) provides traders with macroeconomic insight and news releases have on futures and currencies that allows traders to take advantage of the developments. The tool promotes traders to take advantage of the market during high volatile periods when retail traders would normally avoid.

Autochartist CEO Ilan Azbel said: “Delkos products complement Autochartist’s technical and statistical offering by bringing on board a macroeconomic flavour to our product suite. Combined with our Risk Calculator, the NETS product is an ideal way for traders to enter volatile markets with a degree of certainty and managed risk.”

Since its launch in 2016, Delkos has established its position in the fx market as a most exciting vendor that promote trade without the need for technical analysis or statistical knowledge.

Barry Ubsdell, Head of Delkos said: 

“Macroeconomic research has traditionally been the playground of economists and human market commentary, but NETS is a breakthrough technology that allows us to find relationships between macroeconomic factors and financial instruments that have previously remained undetected. I think we have done well to present the information in a way that is simple to understand and execute for even the most novice traders.”

“Partnering with Autochartist allows us to take advantage of their risk management tools, as well as expand our sales reach within both the futures and forex industries.”