TNS Completes Coverage Of All 18 US Equity Options Exchanges

Transaction Network Services (TNS) has announced it is providing connectivity and market data support for the newly launched MIAX Sapphire Options Exchange.

The move will expand TNS’ access to all US equity options as part of its commitment to comprehensive coverage of the US-listed options marketplace.

TNS now provides support to MIAX Sapphire

MIAX Sapphire will be MIAX’s fourth national securities exchange for US multi-listed options and will operate both an electronic exchange and physical trading floor to be located in Miami, Florida.

With the addition of MIAX Sapphire, traders using TNS can now gain access to all 18 US equity options exchanges.

TNS will provide market data and order routing access to customers in an ultra-low-latency trading environment. Real-time market data from MIAX Sapphire and all other connected exchanges provided by TNS’ dark fiber connectivity gives traders ultra-high-speed access to full depth of book, raw market data feeds for informed decision-making.

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“Access 100% of the multi-listed options market”

Tom Lazenga, General Manager, TNS Financial Markets, said: “We’re proud to extend access for those seeking to trade on MIAX Sapphire from day one. TNS’ managed service approach streamlines everything from connectivity to market data support, allowing institutional traders to focus on their core activities.”

Matthew J. Rotella, Executive Vice President and Chief Technology Officer of MIAX, commented: “The launch of the MIAX Sapphire electronic exchange will be followed by the opening of a state-of-the-art physical trading floor in Miami in 2025 which will allow our market participants to access 100% of the multi-listed options market. We are pleased TNS is offering connectivity to MIAX Sapphire and TNS now provides access to all of our options and equities exchanges through its comprehensive and reliable network.”

TNS offers a range of connectivity, colocation, cloud, market data and VPN solutions within its Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) portfolio. Its solutions are monitored 24x7x365 by TNS’ Network Operations Centers in the US, UK, Australia and Malaysia.

TNS recent moves: MEMOIR, EMEA region,

TNS recently announced it will support the Long-Term Stock Exchange’s (LTSE) new range of MEMOIR market data feeds as part of its expanded market data offerings.

MEMOIR (Member’s Exchange Order Information Record) is a proprietary multicast data protocol developed by MEMX now available for LTSE traders via their new trading system.

In April, the provider of connectivity and market data expanded its US strategy of full-stack market data management to the EMEA region, meaning it can now deliver market data services across the entire trading infrastructure stack.

The ‘one-stop-shop’ offering is the result of the acquisition of West Highland Support Services, a financial market data solutions provider. TNS and West Highland services are now available to EMEA customers as a single, combined offering, including connectivity, monitoring, and consulting to financial markets participants. TNS can be leveraged as a single point of contact to manage the full scope of all consolidated feeds and normalized data solutions.

Market data is often one of the top-two spend categories for most trading organizations, but TNS promises cost savings and economies of scale across every element of market data related spend and support, including hosting, connectivity, middleware distribution, market data usage, and incident management. To lead strategic sales in the EMEA region, TNS has hired Ben Myers, an experienced executive within the financial markets and trading technology space with more than 15 years working at leading names such as IBM, Thomson Reuters, and most recently ICE Data Services.