Telegram CEO Pavel Durov is under investigation in Switzerland for alleged child abuse, following a criminal complaint filed by his former partner, Irina Bolgar. The allegations emerged after Durov’s recent arrest in France and are part of a broader legal dispute involving unpaid child support and a custody battle.
According to a report by Forbes, Bolgar filed the complaint in March 2023, accusing Durov of being aggressive and physically violent toward one of their children. The child abuse case centers around allegations that Durov physically harmed his youngest son on five occasions between 2021 and 2022, causing injuries such as a concussion and ongoing sleep disorders.
The investigation includes evidence like message transcripts from November 2021 and a medical record from April 2023 indicating that the child suffered from anxiety and sleep difficulties due to the alleged abuse.
The case was initially dismissed by the Geneva Public Prosecutor’s Office as it was filed more than three months after the most recent incident. However, Bolgar successfully appealed in May 2023, allowing the case to proceed in October.
The legal dispute between Durov and Bolgar also involves financial disagreements. The case was filed a few months after Durov allegedly stopped paying Bolgar €150,000 ($167,500) per month in child support for their three children. Bolgar, who is believed to be a lawyer, filed for child support in June 2024, claiming that Durov ceased contact with their children in September 2022 and stopped making payments. Since then, she has reportedly supported the children on her monthly salary of 8,000 Swiss francs ($9,500). Durov’s fortune is estimated at $15.5 billion.
Durov’s arrest in France
Telegram founder was brought to court from custody today as his initial detention period neared its end.
Earlier in the day, two cars with flashing lights left the National Anti-Fraud Bureau in the Paris suburbs, where Durov was believed to be held. Durov appeared before an investigating judge who could decide whether to press charges against him.
Durov was arrested on August 24 at Le Bourget airport in Paris as part of a judicial investigation. French prosecutors stated that the investigation involves multiple charges, including conspiracy with illegal activities, money laundering, refusal to communicate with authorities, criminal association, and providing cryptology services without prior declaration.
The authorities extended Durov’s detention period to the maximum of 96 hours, which expires today at 6:00 pm UTC.